Original Artwork by Heidi Nisbett
Booth Pinhoti Fest.jpeg



Watercolor Workshop at Confluence in Cramerton, NC

March 29 from 12pm-2pm

Join Sketching Summits at Confluence South From (117 Center St., Cramerton, NC) for an in-person watercolor painting workshop on Saturday, March 29 from 12:00-2:00. This workshop is great for beginners and experienced artists alike!

Artist Heidi Nisbett of Sketching Summit will lead this 2 hour workshop, providing a step-by-step lesson on how to sketch out the predetermined subject matter (a North Carolina landscape) and paint it in with watercolor. This workshop will provide you with the skills you need to maintain a creative practice of field painting, with an emphasis on painting in nature in order to practice mindfulness, notice your surroundings, and connect with our wild spaces.

Workshop Only fee includes the 2 hour lesson where participants are welcome to use the their own supplies from home, or work from provided communal supplies (participants will take home their finished paintings). Everything you need will be provided, just show up ready to paint! $35

Workshop Fee with Take-Home Supplies includes the 2 hours lesson, a 16 color set of Viviva watercolor paints, water cup, paintbrush, and 4"x6" sketchbook of watercolor paper: everything you need to participate in the workshop and continue your creative practice at home or on the trail! These supplies are yours to take home and are a $45 value. $65

The fine print: This workshop needs a minimum of 3 people to run. If the minimum is not met by a week before, the workshop will be canceled and a full refund will be provided. If your plans change, you may cancel your spot and receive a full refund up until March 26. If your cancel after March 26, you will receive a 50% refund. Any cancelations day-of (March 29) will not receive a refund. Day-of sign ups at the event will be available if space allows. This event is indoors. This event is appropriate for most ages, including kids 10 or older.

Watercolor Backpacking Trip with Blue Ridge Hiking Company (Great Smoky Mountain National Park)

April 25-27, 2025

Heidi Nisbett, an accomplished backpacker and talented artist, will guide you on a 3-day backpacking trip in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and teach you the basics of watercolor painting and painting outdoors along the way. We've kept the mileage pretty low - around 15 miles total - to leave a couple hours each day for painting. You'll leave the trip with at least 2-3 finished paintings (and the materials you'll need to keep painting on your future hikes), drawing inspiration from subjects including waterfalls and the beautiful spring wildflowers. This is a beginner-friendly trip, or a chance for more experienced backpackers to try something new. No prior painting experience is necessary. Trip price includes a trail-friendly watercolor kit for you to keep!

Waterfalls and Watercolors- A NC Trail Days Workshop (Carter Falls, Elkin, NC)

Friday, June 6, 1pm-4pm

Join artist and hiker, Heidi Nisbett, for a plein air watercolor painting lesson during NC Trail Days in Elkin, NC! This event will take place on Friday, June 6, 2025 from 1pm-4pm, including both the hike and the painting portions of the event. Hikers will meet at the Carter Falls Trailhead on Pleasant Ridge Road in Elkin, NC and receive a watercolor kit, paper, and brushes to use for the workshop. Heidi will lead participants along an easy to moderate trail with some elevation change to Carter Falls, about 1 mile each way. At the Falls, Heidi will lead a two hour painting session, instructing in how to use the watercolor medium, as well as focusing on the mental benefits of painting in nature. This is an exercise in both art and mindfulness. This workshop is open to beginner and experienced artists.

For $30, the art supplies will be provided for the duration of the event and should be returned afterwards.

For $60, you can keep all of your supplies, which will consist of a 16 color watercolor pan (paints made from natural pigment for environmental safety when painting in the outdoors), sketchbook of watercolor paper, paint brush, pencil, and watercup- perfect for continuing your creative practice on your own!